Thursday, August 21, 2014

I left my heart at Le Moyne

Poem for my Baby Lady
T'was the night before college and all through the town
Families were preparing, some with a frown
We had 18 years to prepare for this good-bye
Its a natural part of life but its hard to remember why.

Mothers were flustered and shaking their heads,
How did the years fly by to this point of dread?
Fathers were packing the cars to the brim,
Stuffing and muttering to hide thoughts of grim.

Siblings were curious about what a change this will be,
Secretly thankful, "This isn't happening to me!"
Students were jittery, it feels so surreal
Not sure of anything and wondering how they would feel.

Campus will be different, a whole new pace
So many people, how long til someone recognizes my face?
Parting is overwhelming, too much to say
Hurry quickly Columbus Day!

Absence is rewarding, reunion is sweet
Don't sweat it families this is just cold feet!
 — with Megan Daigle.